Volleyball Scrimmage Drills

Scrimmaging is to simulate volleyball games at practice, which helps players get ready to make decisions and plays during an actual game. Volleyball teams are often made up of 12 players in order to be able to scrimmage a full team of six players versus another full team of six players. Having players run through real game situations in practice prepares them to be able to make decisions and stay competitive throughout an entire match.
Queens of the Court
Players form three even lines on the baseline of the volleyball court for the queens of the court drill. The first player in each line runs to the far side of the court, turns around and gets in a ready position. The next three players run on to the near side of the court and get in ready position. Each group of three is a team. The coach slaps the ball and tosses it into play, usually to the team on the far side of the court. The team passes, sets and hits the ball to the other team. The ball is played back and forth until one team does not complete a full pass, set and hit. The winning team either stays on the far side, or moves to the far side of the net as the new queens of the court. The next three players step onto the court as a new team and the drill continues.
The Weakest Link
Each player starts with five points for the weakest kink drill. Line up six players on one side of the court in their starting positions. Have all other players standing on the sideline. The coach begins by tossing the ball into play. The team will play the ball with a pass, set and hit. If the team completes the play, the coach tosses them another ball. If a mistake is made that would result in a side-out, the player who made the mistake leaves the court and loses a point. A player from the sideline who plays the same position as the player leaving the court, steps on to the court and into position. The player who has the most points left at the end of the drill is the winner.
Double or Nothing
This double or nothing drill takes real-time situations and makes them even more intense by continuously serving at the receiving team. Have players form two lines on the baseline. The first two players run to the far side of the court. The coach serves or tosses the ball to the two players who play the ball as they would in a regular game. The coach awards points for each hit that is completed; one point for a pass, two for a set and three for an overhand attack. If completed, the players then receive a down ball from the coach to earn double points; two for a pass, four for a set and six for an attack. The players keep track of their points; the team with the most points wins.
Eternal Scrimmage
Form two, six-person teams, one on each side of the net. The coach tosses a ball into play and the teams play the ball back and forth until a team wins the rally. Immediately, the coach tosses another ball into play. That ball is played until one team wins. The coach continuously throws volleyballs into play for 15 minutes. Eternal scrimmage requires players to work together and make decisions even when their bodies and minds are tired.
Writer Bio
Poppy Carpenter graduated from the University of Missouri School of Journalism. In addition to teaching journalism to junior high students, she also covers health and fitness for "PUSH Monthly" and Angie's List.