How to Use a Bell Bike Pump

It can be quite frustrating when you go out to take a ride on your bike and find a flat tire awaiting you. Having a bike pump at home can save you time and some hassle, allowing you to get your tire re-inflated quickly, so you can be on your way. Companies like Bell manufacture and sell both compressor pumps and manual foot pumps that are ideal for a bike owner. Checking your tire pressure and keeping your tires properly inflated is part of basic bicycle maintenance and can make your ride easier and more enjoyable.
Compressor Pump
Connect the compressor pump to your bike's valve stem by placing it on and pressing down. Then, press the thumb latch clamp down to keep it attached to the valve stem.
Plug the compressor into an electrical outlet, then turn it on.
Turn the compressor off when the tire starts to feels firm, then remove the connector.
Use a tire pressure gauge to ensure you have the proper amount of air in the tire. You'll find the air pressure information on the side of your tire and this can very depending on the type of tire and size. A typical road tire usually requires 80 to 130 psi, while a mountain bike tire may only require 30 to 50 psi. If there's still not enough air in the tire, you can add a bit more until you reach the recommended amount of air.
Manual Foot Pump
Place the manual foot pump head onto your tire's valve. Lock it into place by pressing down on the thumb lever.
Place your feet down on each side of the pump's base, onto the foot holds, to keep it steady. Hold onto the pump's handle with both hands and pump it up and down to begin inflating your tire.
Take the pump head off the valve when the tire begins to feel firmly inflated. Use your tire pressure gauge to ensure the tire is at the recommended psi. If it still needs more air, just place the pump head back onto your tire valve and pump more air into it.
If you've over-inflated your tire, you can release air by turning your tire gauge over and using the other side of the gauge to push down on the valve stem, releasing air until the pressure is within the recommended range.
Never over-inflate a bicycle tire, as this could cause damage to the tire. The max PSI is listed on your bike's sidewall.