How to Do No-Jump Burpees

The burpee -- an explosive, total body exercise which requires no equipment -- was invented in the 1930s by physiologist Royal H. Burpee. Since its inception, the burpee has become one of the military's favorite tools for assessment of physical fitness and is standard fare in fitness boot camps and gym classes. Without a vertical jump, the burpee becomes slightly less strenuous. It remains essential that you stay meticulous about form to avoid injury. Consult your health care provider before beginning any exercise regimen.
Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Sink back into a squat position with your backside pushed out as if you were sitting down.
Sink further to go from a squat to a crouch. Put your hands on the floor in front of you shoulder width apart.
Hop back with your feet into a plank position. Make your body a straight line from your head to ankles. Line up your shoulders with your wrists.
Do one pushup by bringing your body toward the floor until your elbows make a 90-degree angle. Keep your body straight -- don't arch your backside up or droop at the waist.
Straighten your arms and bring your feet back to your hands with a quick hop. Stand up to return to the starting position.
To make burpees into a cardiovascular activity, do them continuously until you can't continue with proper form. Another way is to do one burpee in the first minute, two in the second minute and so on until you can't continue with proper form.
Before you exercise, spend 10 to 15 minutes warming up and stretching. When you finish, stretch again and cool down.
Writer Bio
Carolyn Robbins began writing in 2006. Her work appears on various websites and covers various topics including neuroscience, physiology, nutrition and fitness. Robbins graduated with a bachelor of science degree in biology and theology from Saint Vincent College.