Does It Matter What Way You Do Pull-ups on the Marine Corps PFT?

The Marine Corps physical fitness test measures a service member's overall level of cardiovascular and muscular health. One of the three components of the PFT is the pull-up which comprises one-third of the total score. But not just any pull-up counts; marine pull-ups must follow the proper form as laid out by Marine Corps Order P6100.12.
Hand Positions
During the Marine Corps PFT, Marines are allowed to grasp the pull-up bar with their hands either facing forward or in a reverse grip. According to Marine Corps regulations, your arms can be as far apart or as close together as necessary to pull your chin above the bar. Once a you drop from the bar, the pull-up portion of the test ends and you cannot try again.
Arm Extension
Marine Corps pull-ups begin from a dead hang; that means the you must grip the pull-up bar and hang by your hands alone. When a you are hanging motionless from the pull-up bar, this portion of the test can begin. Using upper body strength, you must pull your chin above the pull-up bar by bending your arms at the elbow. A repetition is only counted when you lower your body and return to the dead-hang position.
Leg Positions
While you are performing pull-ups, your legs can be bent at any angle or they can hang straight down. As long as you do not raise your legs above your waist, your pull-up repetitions will count toward your score. However, if your feet touch the ground this portion of the test will be terminated.
Counting Proper Pull-Ups
A complete Marine Corps pull-up for the purposes of the PFT starts from, and ends with, the dead-hang position. Your chin must be raised above the pull-up bar. If necessary, the you can tilt your head to raise your chin in order for a repetition to count. In order for a repetition to be counted, you cannot rest your chin on the bar at any point.
Writer Bio
A professional writer since 1994, Eva Talent was trained as a journalist by the U.S. Army. She received two Army Commendation Medals and an Army Achievement Medal for journalistic excellence. Her press releases are frequently featured on the websites of the Department of Defense and the Army. Talent holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of Michigan.