How to Disassemble an X-Pole

The X-Pole is a quality dance pole that is portable and easily dismantled. While the weight of the pole is held by a base unit on the floor, the pole is secured by pressure against the floor and ceiling. Because you can adjust the pole from the bottom, you don’t need a stepladder or chair to lock the pole into place. There are three versions: X-Stage, X-Sport and X-Pert. Only the older X-Stage doesn’t use the X-joint -- a connecting unit that helps to stabilize the pole.


Use the hex key to tighten the two static locking screws in the bottom half of the A-pole’s bearing unit -- located at the base of the bottom pole -- to put the pole in static mode. If the pole is in spinning mode, you can’t remove the pole from the main stage’s center unit.

Loosen the two hex screws in the B-pole, which is the top pole, with a hex key. Turn the screws counterclockwise to unlock the B-pole.

Turn the B-pole counterclockwise to unwind and disconnect it from the A-pole.

Undo the three screws in the upper part of the A-pole’s bearing unit.

Pull the A-pole out of the bearing holder and remove it from the main stage.


Insert the adjuster tool into the hole of the locking nut located at the base of the bottom pole. Turn the tool clockwise to loosen or undo the locking nut.

Unwind the pole by turning it clockwise, which makes the entire pole shorter and frees it from the ceiling plate. Watch the pole so it doesn’t fall over or on top of you.

Lay the pole on the floor to disassemble it.

Turn the two hex screws counterclockwise in the X-Joint – the middle unit that connects the A-pole and B-pole together -- by using the hex key.

Undo the screws until you feel pressure against the hex key. Then, remove the A-pole and B-pole from the X-joint.


Undo the three locking screws located at the base of the pole. Use the hex key and turn the screws counterclockwise to loosen. Do not remove these screws.

Slowly turn the pole clockwise to shorten, loosening it from the ceiling and floor plates.

Place the pole on the floor.

Use a hex key to undo the two hex screws in the X-joint, which is the middle unit that connects the A-pole and B-pole. Turn the screws counterclockwise until you feel pressure against the hex key.

Remove both the A-pole and B-pole from the X-joint, disassembling the pole.


If your pole is stuck or the screws are difficult to undo, hold a pack of ice or bag of frozen vegetables over the pole’s middle joint. Because metal contracts in colder temperatures, it’ll be easier to loosen the screws.


To avoid injury, first lay the pole on the floor to disassemble it. Avoid jerky motion when unwinding the pole to loosen it from the floor and ceiling plates.