How to Adjust Pro-Form Treadmill Belts
Pro-Form treadmill belts need to be centered and tightened correctly in order to work properly. An off-center treadmill belt may become damaged during use. If the belt is too tight, the treadmill will slow down and run inefficiently; too loose, and the treadmill belt will slip, causing a safety issue. Before using your Pro-Form treadmill, ensure that the belt is correctly centered and tightened for proper operation.
Adjusting Left or Right
Pull the safety key out of the treadmill and unplug the power cord. You do not want the treadmill to start accidentally while you are making adjustments to the belt.
Determine which direction the belt has moved.
Place the Allen wrench in the left rear roller bolt if the belt has moved to the left, and in the right rear roller bolt if the belt has moved to the right. The roller bolts are located on the back of the treadmill to the left and right of the belt.
Turn the left roller bolt one half turn to the right if the belt has shifted to the left, and turn the right roller bolt one half turn to the left if the belt has shifted to the right.
Plug the power cord into the electrical outlet, insert the safety key and run the treadmill for several minutes to ensure that the belt is centered.
Repeat Steps 1 through 5 until the belt is centered on the treadmill.
Tightening and Loosening
Remove the safety key from the treadmill and unplug the power cord.
Insert the Allen wrench in the left roller bolt and turn it one-quarter of an inch to the left, and repeat the process on the right roller bolt if the belt is too tight. You must loosen both bolts or the belt will come off center.
Tighten the belt by placing the Allen wrench in the left roller bolt and turning it to the right one -uarter of a turn, and repeat the process with the right roller bolt.
Place your fingers under the belt and lift up. You should have approximately two inches of space between your fingers and the platform. Continue to loosen or tighten the belt as needed.
- "PRO-FORM 400X User's Manual;" ICON IP, Inc.; 2006
Writer Bio
William Pullman is a freelance writer from New Jersey. He has written for a variety of online and offline media publications, including "The Daily Journal," "Ocular Surgery News," "Endocrine Today," radio, blogs and other various Internet platforms. Pullman holds a Master of Arts degree in Writing from Rowan University.