List of Moves for Freestyle Wrestling

Freestyle wrestling is a respected sport that has been around since the early 19th century. It is a close cousin of Greco-Roman and Folkstyle wrestling and utilizes throws, locks and leg trips in an attempt to score points and pin the opponent's shoulder blades to the mat. While there are a vast majority of freestyle moves, there are a few that can lead to success for wrestlers of any level when mastered.
Time to Sweep
All styles of wrestling start from the neutral position -- with both wrestlers facing each other while standing. Then, the wrestlers try to take the other down. Take downs are an important aspect of wrestling and one of the most common freestyle moves is the leg sweep. To do the leg sweep, hold your opponent around the upper-chest area and use your leg to sweep his or her legs out from under his or her body. Combined with forward momentum, this should throw your opponent off balance and take him or her to the mat, also resulting in a take down and possible back points.
Head and Arm Throw
Throws are very common freestyle moves from the neutral position. The head and arm throw is an effective move that can set up extra points and pinning combinations. To do the move, use one hand to grab your opponent's triceps while your other arm crosses behind your opponent's head, resting on his or her neck and meeting your other hand on the triceps. Step into your opponent with your outside leg and twist toward him or her by 180 degrees. Pop your hips upward and twist his or her upper body down toward the mat.
Front Head Lock
The front head lock is a versatile move the can be performed from standing position or on the mat. With your opponent's head lower than yours, rest your chin on his or her back and place one arm around his or her head. Bring your other hand through their armpit area and lock hands, both their head and arm should be tightly locked together. This move can be used to implement a throw from the standing position or a roll combination on the mat.
The term "suplex" has been made popular to the public through the professional wrestling industry; however, there are some key differences when it is performed in a freestyle match. While standing, face to face "bear hug" your opponent around the waist and lift him or her off the mat. Twist while throwing your opponent to ensure he or she lands on his or her back. A common variation is to lift while standing behind your opponent and fall backward while throwing him or her over your shoulder. Your opponent will probably land on his or her shoulder blades, so keep a tight grip for a chance to pin him or her.
Writer Bio
Based in Boise, Idaho, Anthony Portolese has been researching, writing and working in the health field since 2010. Portolese holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology and a Master of Science in recreation from the University of Idaho.