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How to Do Situps With a Belly Button Ring

Many people are worried about doing situps after having their navels pierced due to a myth that you can ruin your belly button ring with the exercise. Normal exercise is perfectly safe after piercing your navel. Simply keep your piercing clean and avoid tight clothing, so it doesn't irritate the piercing while it's healing. Consult the piercer and your doctor if your piercing shows signs of infection.

Shannon Mason/Demand Media
Lie on the floor, flat on your back. You may consider placing a padded mat underneath you for comfort.

Shannon Mason/Demand Media
Pull your shirt up over your navel piercing. Do this if it is still new and sore. Once the pain of the piercing has subsided and the movement of your shirt no longer irritates you, you can leave your shirt in place.

Shannon Mason/Demand Media
Place your hands underneath your head, behind your ears. You should not interlace your fingers behind your head.

Shannon Mason/Demand Media
Put your feet on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Consider having a spotter hold your feet in place throughout your situp.

Shannon Mason/Demand Media
Push your lower back down toward the floor. Use your abdominal muscles to lift your upper body into a sitting position. Do not use your arms to help you through your situp. Repeat until you have completed your situp routine.

Shannon Mason/Demand Media
Clean your piercing after exercising by mixing 1/4 teaspoon noniodized sea salt with 1 cup of warm bottled water. Soak the piercing twice a day for 10 minutes, then wash with antibacterial soap.
Roll the waistband of your pants down if it bothers your navel piercing. A yoga mat will cushion the floor while you're performing situps.
Consult a doctor if you have signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, pus or fever.
- Center for Young Women's Health: Middle Body - Sit Up
- ExRx.net: Sit-up
- Holbrook J, Minocha J, Laumann A. Body piercing: complications and prevention of health risks. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2012;13(1):1-17. doi:10.2165/11593220-000000000-00000
- Antoszewski B, Jedrzejczak M, Kruk-Jeromin J. Complications after body piercing in patient suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus. Int J Dermatol. 2007;46(12):1250-1252. doi:10.1111/j.1365-4632.2007.03372.x
- Madu P, Kundu RV. Follicular and scarring disorders in skin of color: presentation and management. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2014;15(4):307-321. doi:10.1007/s40257-014-0072-x
- University of Michigan. Body art: What you need to know before getting a tattoo or piercing. University Health Service. 2019.
- Meltzer DI. Complications of body piercing. Am Fam Physician. 2005;72(10):2029-2034.
- Weber, Angela. "Evaluation of Potential Bloodborne Pathogen." (PDF) Feb 2001. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.