Boxing Jabs That Tear Rotator Cuffs & Ligaments

Any type of boxing jab can cause a torn rotator cuff or ligament in your shoulder. Because throwing a punch uses the muscles in your shoulder, they are vulnerable to injury. No specific jab in boxing results in more injuries than other punches, but poorly executed strikes or insufficient training can contribute to torn rotator cuffs and ligaments.
Shoulder Injuries
The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles that help move your shoulder joint. Any of the muscles in your rotator cuff can tear because of acute trauma or chronic overuse. An acute tear usually occurs due to a sudden, powerful movement, such as a boxing jab. A chronic tear develops over time. Your shoulder also has various ligaments that attach the joint and connect different bones and cartilage in the joint. These ligaments can tear because of a boxing jab, which usually results in a separated shoulder.
Although no boxing jab causes more shoulder injuries than others, punching off-balance can contribute to shoulder injuries. A powerful jab that misses its target completely can cause shoulder dislocation and ligament tears. Other tears in the rotator cuff or ligaments can occur if you place a punch poorly or have not stabilized your core. Punching too hard before you learn proper form can lead to injuries, as well.
Some rotator cuff and ligament tears happen with overuse. Strength training is important to prevent these types of injuries in boxing. Specific exercises, such as using resistance bands or free weights, help strengthen your rotator cuff and shoulder ligaments. Lie on your side with a free weight in the hand of your lower bent arm. Raise your arm up toward your abdomen and lower it. This helps strengthen the internal rotation of your shoulder.
Consult with a trainer before you begin a boxing regime. Your trainer can help make sure that your boxing jabs use correct form and your feet are in the correct placement before you punch. This can help reduce injuries. Your trainer also can help you develop a strength-training program to improve your core and arms. If you have pain in your shoulder, consult a physician. Ligament tears and rotator cuff injuries require treatment and possibly surgery.
- Sports Injury Clinic: Rotator Cuff Injury
- The Ohio State University Medical Center: Shoulder Pain and Problems
- University of Washington Medicine Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: Home Exercises for the Weak Shoulder
- Ryösä A, Laimi K, Äärimaa V, Lehtimäki K, Kukkonen J, Saltychev M. Surgery or conservative treatment for rotator cuff tear: a meta-analysis. Disabil Rehabil. 2017;39(14):1357-1363. doi:10.1080/09638288.2016.1198431
- Cleveland Clinic. Rotator cuff tear: overview. Reviewed July 2016.
- Edwards P, Ebert J, Joss B, Bhabra G, Ackland T, Wang A. Exercise rehabilitation in the non-operative management of rotator cuff tears: a review of the literature. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2016;11(2):279–301.
- Vrouva S, Batistaki C, Paraskevaidou E, et al. Comparative study of pain relief in two non-pharmacological treatments in patients with partial rotator cuff tears: a randomized trial. Anesth Pain Med. 2019;9(2):e88327. doi:10.5812/aapm.88327
- Kukkonen J, Joukainen A, Lehtinen J, et al. Treatment of non-traumatic rotator cuff tears: A randomised controlled trial with one-year clinical results. Bone Joint J. 2014;96-B(1):75-81. doi:10.1302/0301-620X.96B1.32168
Writer Bio
Ireland Wolfe has been writing professionally since 2009, contributing to Toonari Post, Africana Online and Winzer Insurance. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in psychology and Master of Arts in mental health counseling. She is also a licensed mental health counselor, registered nutritionist and yoga teacher.