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Strength Training for Wide Receivers

Strength in the gym does not necessarily translate to skill on the football field. Though you may be able to bench press 300 pounds, it takes agility, coordination and full-body power to use that same strength while running with the ball.
A training regimen that relies solely on jogging or long-distance running is not effective for a wide receiver. For this reason, athletes like wide receivers have to focus on training their bodies to quickly, powerfully and accurately respond to in-game scenarios by using functional movements.
The Right Type of Running: Acceleration, Strength for Speed
In order to accelerate off-the-line or execute direction changes, wide receivers need quick feet and strong legs.
Circuit Training. Do these as circuits with high repetitions and short rest periods.
- Jumping Rope
- Ladder Drills
- Lateral shuffles
To get the most out of each stride, a receiver must also build the strength of their:
- gluteus muscles,
- quadriceps,
- hamstrings
- and calves.
For strong legs, do three to four sets, with 10 reps each set:
1. Barbell back squats
2. Barbell Lunges
3. Deadlifts
Exercises for Force and Balance
Wide receivers also have to be strong to break tackles, block or make tackles on a turnover. These features of play require upper-body strength as well as full-body stability. Receivers can strengthen their upper bodies with shoulder presses, shrugs, rows and pull-ups. They should also incorporate balance training whenever possible by standing on one leg, doing compound movements such as overhead squats or trading things such as bench presses for standing cable chest presses. An effective drill for developing better balance against a tackle involves throwing a heavy medicine ball back and forth with a partner.
Exercises for Explosive Power
In training, wide receivers should combine speed and strength to create explosive power, which increases their ability to accelerate, change direction and most importantly, move and jump in any direction to catch a ball.
Classic power-lifting exercises like the clean-and-jerk and tire flips will develop explosive power through the entire body. Do four to five sets, with four to six reps in a set.
Body weight plyometrics such as box jumps, forward and backward jump squats, burpees, clap pushups, lateral bounds and lateral hops are also effective. Do these as circuits and wear a weight vest for an extra challenge.
Exercise Guidance and Safety
Many of these exercises greatly stress joints like the knees and ankles.
- If you do them using too much weight or do them too often, you could seriously injure yourself.
- If you are training on your own or in the off-season, consider working with a personal trainer who can give instruction and recommendations based on your individual needs as well as your histories of development and injury.
- Whenever you train, especially with explosive exercises, use a comfortable weight level and plan your routines so that you increase resistance gradually over time to prevent injury.
- Gassers - One gasser is considered four trips sideline to sideline. Sprint to the opposite sideline, turn and sprint back.
- Training Cones - Set up cones at 20-, 40-, 80- and 100-yard intervals. The drill includes: 10 100s, eight 80s, six 40s and four 20s. Start with five back and forth 100-yard sprints, then take a two-minute break. Follow that with eight 80-yard sprints, then take a two-minute break, etc.
- Resistance Training - For Tire flips, do not try to lift a tire with your arms. Lift the tire with your legs to your waist, then quickly switch hand position to push tire over.
- Beat the Clock - Timed goal line sprints to the 50-yard line and back, aim for 18 to 16 seconds.
Video Selections
Watch a selection of NFL athlete's off-season workouts:
1. Baltimore Ravens Hollywood Brown
2. Best 2022 NFL Combine Workouts
3. Julio Jones Off-Season Workout
4. Tyreek Hill Offseason Workout
- NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training, Second Edition; Jared W. Coburn and Moh H. Malek
- ExRx.net: Exercise and Muscle Directory
- ExRx.net: Plyometric Exercises
Writer Bio
Michael Shiva Best is a writer with Bachelor of Arts degrees from Eckerd College. He lives and works in Orlando, Fla.. and is pursuing certification as a personal trainer.