Top 10 Basketball Drills (with Video)

Every basketball player dreams of one day being in the spotlight and making a spectacular crossover, buzzer-beating jump shot or even throwing down a monstrous dunk. Each of these is possible, but not without working hard to develop your skills. Becoming a great basketball player requires hours of practicing fundamentals until they become second nature. In order to become a better all-around player, do drills like shooting drills and dribbling drills that focus on all assets of your game. Here are some of the best basketball drills and basketball workouts that will help you sharpen the fundamental skills needed to be a better player.
What is The Mikan Drill
Made popular by the NBA's first true big man, George Mikan, this drill has become standard practice for players trying to develop their footwork around the basket. High school basketball coaching experts have been known to recommend this drill the most to those who are beginners at playing center. Here’s how it works:
1. Starting directly under the basket, shoot a layup with your right hand
2. Rebound the ball as you are stepping through on your right foot and shoot a layup with your left hand
3. Rebound your left-handed layup as you are stepping through with your left foot to shoot a right-handed layup
Once you are able to consistently make a layup with each hand, increase your speed so that you are in continuous motion. This drill should be practiced constantly and should be used during pre-game warmup.
What is the "Hero" Drill
Passing is one of the most important fundamentals skills you can develop, which is why basketball passing drills are so important. The inability to pass can lead to unforced turnovers and easy points for the other team. The hero drill not only builds chemistry but works on passing.
1. Three players spread out along the baseline; the balls should start with the middle player and one of the players on the side
2. The middle player passes to the player without the ball, and he turns and looks to receive a pass from the side player with the ball
3. He then returns the pass to the player who passed him the ball and turns to receive a pass from the player he originally passed the ball to
4. Repeat this going up and down the floor from passer to passer
Players should rotate each time so that each player gets a turn in the middle
What is Partner Shooting?
Basketball shooting is a vital skill but it can be a tedious one to learn alone. That’s why partner shooting is one of the best basketball shooting drills you can learn.
1. With a partner, pick out five spots on the floor
2. Shoot one jumper from each spot, get your own rebound and throw a fundamental pass to your teammate who has run to the same spot for a shot
3. That player will then get his rebound and throw the ball to you in one of the other designated spots
Set a goal of 10 makes to start, but increase the goal as shooting becomes more consistent so you can take your accuracy to the next level.
What is The Superman Drill?
This is another great youth basketball drill for big players because it allows them to focus on laying up the ball with speed and accuracy.
1. Place two basketballs on each block underneath the basket<br>
2. Set a timer for one minute
3. Reach down and grab the ball on the right block and power up to the basket making a layup, rebounding the ball and replacing back on the right block<br>
4. Sprint to the left block, pick the basketball up and power up to the basket finishing on the left side<br>
Repeat this action as many times as you can before time runs out.
3 on 2, 2 on 1
A drill typically used to give players a break from the monotony of other drill work in practice, this allows for your team to have fun while learning about the fundamentals of fast break basketball and defense.
1. Send two players down to the other end of the floor to play defense
2. Three offensive players will take off with the basketball, essentially playing 3 on 2
3. On a score or a rebound, the two players on defense become offensive players and sprint down the floor trying to score on the offensive player who took the shot on the other end who has now become the defensive player.<br>
What is The Zig-Zag Drill?
The Zig-Zag drill is the best one-on-one practice drill besides playing actual one-on-one basketball because it forces both players to focus on how they move and on ball handling skills.
1. Begin on the baseline with one offensive player holding a basketball and a defender in front of him<br>
2. The offensive player advances forward, zig-zagging from the foul lane line to the sideline; the defender tries to stay in front of the offensive player
3. Once you reach the other end of the floor, switch so that the offensive player becomes the defensive player.<br>
This drill will allow for the offensive player to work on ball handling and their dribble moves against pressure and the defensive player to work on guarding in the open court and how to do defensive slides.
What is Two-Ball Dribbling
While passing, rebounding, and shooting are all important, knowing what to do with the ball once you get it is vital. Basketball dribbling is an important skill and Two-ball dribbling is one of the best ball-handling drills.
1. Begin on the baseline with two basketballs and walk down the floor dribbling each ball in unison up and back
2. Repeat the drill alternating dribbles so that the left ball hits the ground as the right ball is hitting your hand and the right ball hits the ground as the left one hits your hand<br>
Once you've mastered walking, repeat the drill jogging and then sprinting at game speed.
The Circle Box Out Drill
Rebounding the basketball is vital to success in basketball because it allows a team to regain possession of the ball. This drill helps teach the fundamentals of boxing out.
1. Place a ball in the middle of the halfcourt circle and partner up with a teammate; the player on the outside of the circle is the offensive player while the player on the inside of the circle is the defensive player
2. On the whistle, the offensive player should try to go after the ball while the defensive player immediately pivots and bodies the offensive player out of the way, keeping him from it for five seconds
The Suicide Drill
Running suicides are a great way to improve basketball endurance and speed.
1. Starting on the baseline, sprint to the foul line, bend down to touch it, and return to the baseline.
2. After touching the baseline, sprint to half court, touch the line, and sprint back
3. Sprint to the foul line on the other end of the floor, touch it, and sprint back to the baseline
4. Finish with a full-court sprint down and back<br>
Defensive Shell Drill
A popular team drill among coaches that teaches the proper rotation on defense, the shell drill requires four offensive players and four defensive players.
1. The offensive players stand around the perimeter forming a shell while the defensive players begin the drill on each corner of the foul lane, forming a square
2. The offense passes the ball around the perimeter while the defense rotates into position, playing on-ball and help defense
3. Each time the ball is passed, the defense should shift into proper position<br>
Once you've gotten the basic movement down, allow the offensive team to cut and move so that the drill simulates game situations.