Why Is My Back Sore From Sprinting?

Sprinting is a vigorous, high-energy exercise that requires you to run fast while pounding a pavement. Although you typically sprint for short periods of time, you can experience an unexpected consequence -- back soreness and pain. This pain can keep you from participating in future sprinting sessions and can develop into a more serious injury if left untreated.
Improper Form
Because sprinting involves running at such a fast pace, your form is likely to suffer if you don’t concentrate on maintaining it. If you experience back pain after sprinting, the position of your feet during runs might be the chief cause of your pain. Your feet absorb the initial shock of your body when you sprint. Sudden movements, such as hitting the ground too hard with your heels or pushing too hard off the ground when starting, can alter your form and cause back pain.
Tight Muscles
Sprinting places strain on the hip flexor muscles, which pull on the lower back and can contribute to muscle soreness. Sprinting pulls on the psoas muscle, which helps move your thigh forward. Sprinting while running or sprinting at a fast pace on a bicycle requires the use of the psoas muscle. Stretching your psoas muscles before and after sprinting may help relieve back soreness from sprinting.
Weak Core
Your core muscles are the muscles in your abdomen and back that help your pelvis remain stable. A strong core enhances the power of your leg muscles, allowing you to move forward and sprint quickly. If your leg muscles are not strong, your back might slouch, causing your back muscles to become sore. To prevent this from happening, engage in regular core-strengthening exercises, such as abdominal crunches, bicycles or lower back lifts, to strengthen your core muscles.
If you experience back soreness from sprinting, it is important to address the causes of your pain. Your doctor can help you identify them, and together, you both can come up with a solution to eliminate these causes and reduce the likelihood of further injury. If you continue to experience back soreness from sprinting after correcting the problem, you might suffer from pulled muscles, a herniated disk or bone fracture. If your pain begins to get worse, consult your physician.
Writer Bio
Rachel Nall began writing in 2003. She is a former managing editor for custom health publications, including physician journals. She has written for The Associated Press and "Jezebel," "Charleston," "Chatter" and "Reach" magazines. Nall is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Tennessee.