How to Put a Belt on Football Pants

Every item a football player wears, including his belt, plays a significant role in his safety and ability to play well. Although a belt might not present itself as being particularly important, it keeps a player's pants in place when running and can keep protective hip and butt pads in place during a game.
The fit between a belt and football pants is a tight one, but it is not impossible to manage.
1. Place your football pants on a flat surface with the waist section within easy reach.
2. Slide an index finger and thumb into the slot to the left side loop in the pants. This refers to the side that is on your left when wearing the pants. Push one end of the belt toward your thumb and finger sitting inside the first loop. Pinch the belt with your finger and thumb. Pull the belt through the loop.
3. Pull the belt through the front loop slit until the free end sits six to eight inches away from the front edge of the loop. Continue working the belt through each loop until you reach the mounting point of the left hip pad. Align the slots of the pad with the corresponding loop in the pants. Slide the belt through both sets of slots. Move to the next pant loop and push the belt through.
4. Align the slots of the butt pad with the corresponding pant slots. Push the belt through. Make sure the pads remain in place as you continue putting the belt in the pants until you reach the right side pad. Repeat the alignment and threading procedure as described for the left side pad.
5. Finish putting the belt in the pants until you reach the opening located at the groin.
Leave the belt in the pants for washing. This avoids repeating the tedious threading process multiple times.
What is the strap hanging from NFL players pants?
A Search Grip Boost 2.0 towel that helps clean forearms and helps clean visors so no film to remove sweat. Designed by a Professional Football Player, looks like a flag football flag, and costs around $15 at Walmart.
Writer Bio
Lynda Schwartz is a fitness professional who began writing in 2004. She has contributed to "Women's Day" and "Good Housekeeping" magazines, as well as covered fitness and well-being for online publications. Schwartz holds a bachelor's degree in exercise science and health promotion.