My ProForm Treadmill Incline Won't Stop Going Up & Down

ProForm treadmills are well-known in the fitness industry as cost-saving and innovative pieces of home exercise equipment. Some of the models offered by ProForm as of 2011 include power incline settings, which allow you to increase the intensity of your workout without increasing your running or walking pace. If the incline motor malfunctions while you are using the equipment, stop your exercise routine immediately.
The first thing you need to do if your incline motor malfunctions is to recalibrate the entire system. ProForm notes that this can be done by pushing the incline button to a new setting and then removing the safety key as the motor adjusts the running deck to that height. Wait a few seconds and then reinsert the key. The ProForm treadmill will automatically recalibrate the incline motor to the lowest setting and should operate properly.
Automated Programs
Some ProForm treadmills utilize training protocols from workout CDs or If you are running with one of these programs rather than a manual workout routine, the ProForm treadmill may automatically adjust the speed and incline of the running deck to the parameters of the program. These changes simulate outdoor running conditions. If the incline or speed setting is too great for your fitness level, simply use the manual controls to adjust the ProForm treadmill to a level you find appropriate. However, the automated workout will continue to make changes at the scheduled intervals and you will have to adjust the incline accordingly.
Mechanical Failure
Though it is less common than a simple calibration error, the incline motor or electronics console may have failed or shorted parts that cause the incline motor to malfunction. ProForm advises that you keep the treadmill away from humid environments, liquids and dust at all times. If any contaminants enter the mechanical and electrical parts of the machine, they can ruin the part permanently.
Incline Warranty
If you have followed the troubleshooting guide that accompanies your ProForm treadmill and still are unable to correct the incline error, the machine will need to be serviced by a trained professional. All ProForm treadmills are guaranteed free of any defects for 90 days by the equipment manufacturer, Icon Health and Fitness. Check your specific ProForm model to see if it includes a more extensive warranty on the treadmill motors. Some machines have up to three years of coverage as long as the damage is not the result of negligence or misuse.
Writer Bio
Writing professionally since 2005, Ryan Haas specializes in sports, politics and music. His work has appeared in "The Journal-Standard," SKNVibes and trackalerts. Haas holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and creative writing from the University of Illinois.