Dimensions of a UEFA Soccer Field

One of the most commonly asked questions about UEFA soccer is “what are the standard soccer field dimensions for UEFA?” UEFA is the FIFA, or fédération internationale de football association, member confederation representing Europe. This means that UEFA-sanctioned soccer games must be played according to FIFA's Laws of the Game -- the same rules used here in America and elsewhere in the world. So whether you're traveling to watch some professional soccer at one of the many European stadiums or just taking in the UEFA Champions League on TV, the football field will be the same size no matter what.
How big is a soccer field during domestic play
In domestic play, the dimensions of a soccer field are quite loose. The touch line -- which runs the entire field length -- can be as short as 100 yards and as long as 130 yards. The goal line -- which runs the width of the field -- must be at least 50 yards long and no more than 100 yards long. This means that the maximum field dimensions are 130 yards by 100 yards and the minimum dimensions are 100 yards by 50 yards. This makes for a large pitch size that can fit a number of players.
How long is a soccer field during International Play
For international matches, UEFA has a more limited range for the size of a soccer field. The touch line, or sideline must be at least 110 yards long and can be no longer than 120 yards. The end line, or goal line, has to be at least 70 yards in length and can be no longer than 80 yards.This makes the maximum field dimensions 120 yards by 80 yards and the minimum dimensions 110 yards by 70 yards. These will be the dimensions commonly seen during the World Cup and other international events.
The touch line and the goal line must be clearly marked with lines. The lines are considered part of the field of play. A line also separates the two halves of the field, running between the midpoint of each touch line. A center mark is placed at the midpoint of the center line, or halfway line and a center circle with a 10-yard radius surrounds it.
Two boxes are marked in front of the goals, the 18-yard penalty box for penalty kicks and the 6-yard goal area. Additionally, a penalty mark, or penalty spot, is placed 11 yards in front of each net to represent where the ball goes in the penalty area. There is also a corner arc in each of the corners of the playing surface, it is a one foot quarter circle that represents where corner kicks are taken from. Before each game, referees inspect the soccer pitch to make sure all field markings are correct as stated by the governing body. Here is an in depth look at the markings on a soccer field.
What is the goal size in UEFA soccer?

There is also a standard soccer goal size in UEFA soccer. The goalposts are placed 24 feet apart, making it hard for the goalkeeper to cover that much ground. Meanwhile, the bottom edge of the crossbar sits eight feet above the field. This makes for a unique challenge to both the goalkeeper and strikers.
Individual UEFA member associations are allowed to make modifications to the size of the field of play, but only for certain games. Modifications are allowed to make the field fit to a womens soccer field, youth soccer field, American football field for NFL games and more. These rule modifications won't affect the top games you'll see on TV, like the UEFA European cup or the UEFA Champions League, but you may encounter modifications if you're visiting Europe to play in a tournament for teams in any of these categories.