Weight Training for a Dislocated Shoulder Injury

Recovering from a dislocated your shoulder requires time and rest. However, once your shoulder has been put back into place and the surrounding muscles and tendons have had sufficient time to heal, you will want to get back to the gym and start doing strength-building exercises. Although there are some exercises you should avoid, you can still lift weights and build strength in the shoulder.
When you have suffered a dislocated shoulder, your upper body has gone through a significant trauma. The shoulder is a ball and socket joint, and the ball actually comes out of the socket when it suffers a dislocation. Medical professionals can usually "pop" the shoulder back into place at the time of an injury. However, the shoulder will need six to eight weeks to heal before you can begin rehabilitative exercise, according to the-rehabilitation-room.com. If surgery is required to put the shoulder back in place, you will need a longer period of rest.
When you are in the early stages of building your shoulder strength after suffering a dislocation, you must use light weights only. One of the best ways to exercise is while sitting on an exercise ball. As you sit on the exercise ball, you will work your core muscles and surrounding muscles, and that will only help your shoulder. Curls on an exercise ball will help rebuild the shoulder muscles. Start off with 3-lb. weights and let them hang down by the floor. Curl them up to shoulder height. Do 10 curls, take a 30-second break and repeat the set.
Weightlifting exercise will help rebuild strength in your shoulder. In addition to curls, you can extend your arms out to your sides and then return them to your sides. Then take the weight and bring them straight forward and bring them back. You can also throw punches with the weights to build strength and range of motion. As you continue to get stronger, you can try seated rows to build agility, endurance and strength in your shoulder.
Once you have dislocated your shoulder, you will want to progress slowly as you rehab the injury. Weightlifting is the best way to strengthen the area, but you should avoid all exercises where you press the weight over your head. You are not going to pick the weight up over your head or jerk it. Stay away from the overhead press as well. This could further damage the shoulder.
Stretching Exercises
It's important to start any workout with weights by stretching the shoulder prior to doing any resistance exercise. Arm circles will help prepare your muscles for lifting. Bring your arm across your chest and use your other arm to cup the elbow and press it more tightly to your body. You can also place your elbows at your sides, move your hands in front of your body and then out to the sides. This will help prepare your body for weightlifting.
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- Posture and Back Health. Harvard Medical School. March 2014.
- Shoulder Pain: 3 Most Common Causes and How to Fix It. Cleveland Clinic. September 2019.
- Torn Rotator Cuff. Emory Healthcare.
- Scapular (Shoulder Blade) Disorders. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
- Physical Therapist (PT) Education Overview. American Physical Therapy Association.
- ChoosePT. American Physical Therapy Association.
- "Shoulder Surgery Exercise Guide" American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2007.
Writer Bio
Steve Silverman is an award-winning writer, covering sports since 1980. Silverman authored The Minnesota Vikings: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and Who's Better, Who's Best in Football -- The Top 60 Players of All-Time, among others, and placed in the Pro Football Writers of America awards three times. Silverman holds a Master of Science in journalism from the Medill School of Journalism.