How to Determine the Right Size T-Ball Ball for a Child

Children, ages 4 to 8, play T-ball, which is similar to baseball, with some notable differences. There is no pitching in T-ball. The players hit the ball off a stationary tee. The rules and equipment specifications for T-ball are dictated by the T-ball USA Association. The ball that is used for T-ball is smaller and lighter than a regular baseball. It is important to use a proper T-ball since it is safer for younger children.
Go to any sporting goods store. T-balls are sold at many department stores, sporting goods stores and online.
Look for a ball that is specifically marked for T-ball. Most balls which adhere to T-ball specifications will be marked as an "official T-ball."
Check the circumference of the ball. It may state the size of the ball on the package. If not, use a tape measure and wrap it around the middle of the ball. A T-ball should be between 9 and 9.5 inches.
Check the weight of the ball. The weight in ounces should be listed on the packaging, or you can weigh the ball yourself. A T-ball should weigh between 4 and 5 oz.
Squeeze the ball. T-balls are softer than a regular baseball. They are made with a molded core or sponge rubber center. When you squeeze a T-ball, it should have some give, unlike a regular baseball.
Writer Bio
Based in Austin, Texas, Jolie Johnson has been in the fitness industry for over 12 years and has been writing fitness-related articles since 2008 for various websites. She received her Bachelor of Arts in English and philosophy from the University of Illinois.