How to Make the Perfect Chip Shot

In an 18-hole round of golf, you'll likely have multiple opportunities to hit a chip shot. A chip shot is a low, running shot played from just off the green. You can chip with different clubs to make the ball roll more, or less, once it hits the green. To perfect your chip shot, learn to select the right club and execute the proper technique. Regardless of your golfing ability, learning to perfect your chip shot can help lower your score.
Select the club to chip with based on how far away your ball is from the hole. Chip with a lob wedge, sand wedge, gap wedge or pitching wedge if your ball is close to the hole. The loft on all wedges will help the ball spin more and roll less. The lob wedge has the most loft and will produce the most spin of any wedge. The sand wedge has more loft than the gap wedge, and the gap wedge has more loft than the pitching wedge. Chip with a 7-, 8- or 9-iron if your ball is farther from the hole.
The lower loft on the 7-, 8- and 9-iron will allow the ball to roll a greater distance when it hits the green. The 7-iron has the lowest loft and the 8-iron has less loft than the 9-iron. Allow for the most roll with the 7-iron.

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Grip down on the golf club so you can stand closer to the ball. Narrow your stance so your feet are only a few inches apart. Position the ball back in your stance, off the inside of your right foot, and put the majority of your weight on your front foot. Press your hands forward so they're positioned ahead of the ball.
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