Physical Exercises to Help You Hit Golf Balls Farther

Being able to hit longer golf shots, assuming they are accurate shots, allows you to lower your scores because you shorten the length of the golf course. Golfers especially want to hit longer shots off the tee, giving them the chance to hit 5-irons or 6-irons to the green instead of the more difficult 3-irons or 4-iron shots.
The length of your shots depends on the club head speed you can generate. Improving your physical conditioning will help you generate more club head speed.
Being able to hit longer golf shots, assuming they are accurate shots, allows you to lower your scores because you shorten the length of the golf course. Golfers especially want to hit longer shots off the tee, giving them the chance to hit 5-irons or 6-irons to the green instead of the more difficult 3-irons or 4-iron shots.
The length of your shots depends on the club head speed you can generate. Improving your physical conditioning will help you generate more club head speed.
Long hitters have long swings. Many times they are able to swing the club back beyond the parallel position. Their full shoulder turn allows them to coil tremendous energy that is released on the downswing. Stretching exercises will give you the flexibility you need to produce more swing power. These exercises can be done as an ongoing fitness program and also to loosen and warm-up your muscles before your round. Learn a sequence of gentle yoga-style stretches. To loosen up your shoulders, place your arm across the top of your head, with your elbow bent.
Gently pull that elbow with your other hand. For an exercise to widen your swing arc, grasp your driver on either end of the shaft. Extend the club out and rotate your shoulders, simulating the backswing and downswing. Be sure to get your doctor’s advice before starting an exercise program.
Golfers seek to build muscle tone that will allow them to produce additional quickness in their swing--and greater club head speed. They don’t want to build huge muscles, which can actually restrict the golf swing. Forearm strength can be increased through lifting light hand weights of 8 or 10 pounds. The key is gradually increasing the number of repetitions you can comfortably make, not how heavy the weights are. Also important is building the abdominal, neck and back muscles--sometimes called core training. Simple push-ups work well, as do abdominal crunches. Crunches are done by lying down on your back and bending your knees, keeping your feet on the floor. Interlock your hands and put them behind your head.
Lift your shoulders off the ground while squeezing your abs.
Leg strength provides a strong foundation for your swing. Try running or jogging--even walking regularly can help build up your leg muscles.
If you notice you lose length on your shots at the end of the round, or hitting a bucket of balls on the driving range results in fatigue, you might need to build your stamina. Fatigue lessens your muscles ability to coordinate, and good golf is all about timing and coordination. Ride a stationary bike or spend time on a treadmill. Joining aerobics classes gives you the benefit of having an instructor to coach you. One of the best all-around forms of exercise for golfers is swimming. It strengthens your back and shoulder muscles, improves cardiovascular health and is not hard on your joints such as jogging on pavement would be.
Writer Bio
Brian Hill is the author of four popular business and finance books: "The Making of a Bestseller," "Inside Secrets to Venture Capital," "Attracting Capital from Angels" and his latest book, published in 2013, "The Pocket Small Business Owner's Guide to Business Plans."