How to Use a Pitching Wedge

A pitching wedge is one of the more versatile clubs in your golf bag because it can hit high shots that can drop on the green with a little backspin or lower chip shots when you need to punch the ball onto the green and let it roll close to the hole. Mastering the various uses of your pitching wedge takes time and practice, but once your short game improves, your scores will drop significantly.
It's In the Swing
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Take the club back only as far as you need to in approaching the green. A pitching wedge used from 120 yards might require a full swing to reach the green, while a chip shot from 10 yards off the green will only need a half-swing or less.
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Follow through to mirror your backswing. Don't stop short once you hit the ball because you won't get the type of backspin or soft touch you want with the shot.

How to Use a Pitching Wedge
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Base your swing on the loft of the pitching wedge. A 62-degree loft, for instance, will require a bigger swing to get the ball the same distance as a shorter swing with a 48-degree loft.

How to Use a Pitching Wedge
Watch Your Hands
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Make sure you don't lead too much with your hands and drag the wedge behind them on the shot. Fight the tendency to push your hands forward on a short stroke because you're bound to make poor contact with the ball when you do.

How to Use a Pitching Wedge
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How to Use a Pitching Wedge
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How to Use a Pitching Wedge
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Keep your hands firm even as you hinge your wrists. Lazy hands will not give you the control you need to get the ball close to the hole.

How to Use a Pitching Wedge
How to Hit It
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How to Use a Pitching Wedge
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How to Use a Pitching Wedge
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How to Use a Pitching Wedge
Writer Bio
James Roland is the editor of a monthly health publication that has approximately 75,000 subscribers in the United States and Canada. Previously, he worked as a newspaper reporter and editor, covering issues ranging from the environment and government to family matters and education. He earned a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Oregon.