Golf Slice Definition

The slice is a golf shot that bends far to the right when hit by right-handed golfers, and far to the left when hit by southpaws. It is one of the most common problems faced by beginners. In many cases, a little more attention to your grip and the path of your club during the swing can correct the problem.
The slice is a golf shot that bends far to the right when hit by right-handed golfers, and far to the left when hit by southpaws. It is one of the most common problems faced by beginners. In many cases, a little more attention to your grip and the path of your club during the swing can correct the problem.
Identify the cause
A slice results either from having an open clubface or an incorrect swing path, or both. The best way to determine what's causing your slice is to have someone stand behind you or have your swing videotaped and watch your swing path and the position of the clubface at impact.
Outside-in swing
A shot that results from an out-to-in swing, with the clubface open, will produce an ugly slice almost every time. Try to picture the swing path of the club following a straight line from the top of your swing down through the ball with the clubface squared to the target.
Open clubface
A shot that starts out heading to the target but drifts right is most likely a slice caused by simply hitting the ball with an open clubface. Try squaring your clubface before your backswing and bringing the club back down with your hands and club in the same position as you strike the ball.
Study the divots
One other way to define the cause of your slice is to look at the divots you leave in the grass. A bad swing path will produce divots that appear to start toward the left of the target and then curve right, while an open clubface slice will leave a divot that appears online toward your target, but veers right.
Writer Bio
James Roland is the editor of a monthly health publication that has approximately 75,000 subscribers in the United States and Canada. Previously, he worked as a newspaper reporter and editor, covering issues ranging from the environment and government to family matters and education. He earned a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Oregon.