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How to Work Out With Rotating Push-Up Bars

Push-ups are a great upper body and core exercise. Best of all, they do not require a dime or a gym membership to perform. They can be done right at home. Within the past few years, rotating push-up bars were introduced to the market to enhance and add variety to performing this workout program staple. By performing push-ups with rotating push-up bars, ordinary push-ups become extraordinary push-ups.
Find an open space free of clutter. Set the rotating push-up bars on the ground at slightly wider than shoulder width.
Grasp the handles with both hands while simultaneously extending the legs and placing the toes on the ground, tucked under the feet. Keep the arms extended and the body straight with no arch in the back or sag in the abdomen. Rotate the handles so that the knuckles are facing forward.
Slowly lower your body toward the floor by bending the elbows and simultaneously turning the knuckles outward to rotate the bars. Keep the body straight and breathe in while lowering the body towards the floor.
Pause when your chest is just barely touching the floor, and then slowly extend the arms and press back up while simultaneously turning the knuckles inward. Exhale as you push back up to the starting position.
Pause, and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Rotating push-up handles provide variety and innovation to the performance of standard push-ups. Just as with regular push-ups, the handles can be moved to various widths, such as wider than shoulder width or closer, to change up the workout.
If you have difficulty performing full-body-position push-ups, try them with your knees bent and on the floor. An exercise mat or towel placed on the ground to pad the knees may be desirable.
As with any exercise program, always seek medical advice to see if you are healthy enough to participate.
When using rotating push-up bars, be sure to select non-skid surfaces, such as carpeting, rubber flooring, or concrete.
Explore In Depth
- Rotating push-up handles provide variety and innovation to the performance of standard push-ups. Just as with regular push-ups, the handles can be moved to various widths, such as wider than shoulder width or closer, to change up the workout.
- If you have difficulty performing full-body-position push-ups, try them with your knees bent and on the floor. An exercise mat or towel placed on the ground to pad the knees may be desirable.
- As with any exercise program, always seek medical advice to see if you are healthy enough to participate.
- When using rotating push-up bars, be sure to select non-skid surfaces, such as carpeting, rubber flooring, or concrete.
Writer Bio
Jeff Harrison has been in the fitness industry for more than 15 years as a personal trainer, fitness writer, fitness director and general manager. He is an NSCA-certified CSCS and CPT and with ACE as an AHFS. Harrison has a degree in exercise and sport science from Penn State University.