5 Ways to Wrap a Knee for Sports

Wrap Those Knees
If you suffer from weak knee muscles and joints, you may avoid doing any type of sports activity that uses your knees because of pain or instability. To prevent injury and allow you to be able to do more knee-related exercises or sports, the use of a knee wrap is advisable to help avoid stressing already stressed joints and muscles.
Wrap Types
Getting a good pre-rolled type of wrap is important to prevent injury. You can easily find these at any sports- related store. Cotton or spandex wraps with elastic strips are an excellent choice as they can be easily washed and reapplied.
Technique of Wrapping
When wrapping your knee, make sure that your leg is relaxed and straight in front of you, not in a bent position. This will allow for maximum pressure and wrap tension to protect your knee. The best wrapping technique is to wrap about 3 inches below the patella (kneecap) using a spiral motion. You should overlap each wrap and wrap on top of the previous spiral about half way through the width of the wrap. Continue wrapping until you cover the kneecap to give an added degree of support to the area.
Wrap Finishing
When finished wrapping, you can use Velcro clips or metal wrap holders to keep the end in place. This should be snug enough to prevent any slack from happening as you move. If the wrap is too tight, it can impair circulation and should be removed and re-wrapped.
Comfort, Not Impairment
When finished, it is very important that you make sure you can bend your knee and that the wrap itself is not too loose or tight. Stand up and bend your knee to make sure the knee wrap is comfortable--not too tight and not too loose. If it feels like your circulation is impaired (i.e., tingling, burning or even discoloration) or as if the knee wrap is not giving you enough support, rewrap your knee to assure that you are protected from any sports-related injuries to your muscles and ligaments around the knee area.
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